happy new year!!!!! hope it brings me another colourful world(with appropriate lifestyle)!!!! really hope so..but too much patience needed to make it came true...love him love him love him....who? haha...since no one knows this blog..just let me be honest keyh? i love him but right now i have to change..WHY??? one thing i've learned lately is "Love is nothing, wen the one you love was(which one is righter? is or was..haha..personal quote) not the greatest" right now i'm focusing all my heart to love the one who was, is and always be the greatesr..eventough my heart (or is it nafs) rebels with all its might..yeah!!! i noe i can do this..i'm gonna try..no matter what..Go, GO, GO!!!!!!! right now i'm battling with myself about something..maybe something from that blog touches my heart..it hurts..but i'm going to be strong!!!! i can do it!!! mujahidah mukminah!!!
house of night
these series by p.c cast and kristin cast totally hot and addictive i may warn u..well actually how i gotten to know bout it actually was from my friend mia (thanks to her now i heart house of night so much)
at that time i was positively crazy about breaking dawn and thats how mia got nerve on introducing me to another vampire novel including one book on vampire academy "frostbite" if i'm not mistaken...ok quit babbling, lets start on describing house of night

this one is the latest..i downloaded it yesterday at 1815 and i finished reading it this morning and i looooveee it sooo much and seriously addictive..the next installment will be burned and can only be read by may 2010..yes, its next year..i just cant wait!!!! how come zoey can be in Otherworld with Heath? who's gonna deal with that stupid think-he-so-hot kalona and oh-she's-so-powerful-and-a-ho-around-kalona neferet????
Book 5

i bought this book..if i'm not mistaken right after raya before i get my driver lisence..i was so esctactic that i bAsically hyperventilate at the sight of it..and oh..after buying it i'm completely broke..but this book was damn oh so fiiinne...love stark!! and his cocky grin and bab boy hot scale!!
Book 4

actually when i bought this book at mph in tesco sungai petani it was a mistake cause i'm practically finding the book 5 but this was a mistake...but i'm glad for the mistake i've done cz i'm deciding on buying the complete set now..no matter what..in this book stark died...but still its awesome...
Book 3

Book 2

Book 1

i've read all this three book by borrowing it from mia...but i swear i'll make sure i get my hands on all this three book as mine...
lastly...i would say my appreciative thanx because of their creative mind (im so lack off other better vocab, guess i should learn from damien a lot!!) to pc.cast and kristin cast as they have invented a world with nyx and house of night!!! i heart u guys more than steavie rays loves whie bread...

this one is the latest..i downloaded it yesterday at 1815 and i finished reading it this morning and i looooveee it sooo much and seriously addictive..the next installment will be burned and can only be read by may 2010..yes, its next year..i just cant wait!!!! how come zoey can be in Otherworld with Heath? who's gonna deal with that stupid think-he-so-hot kalona and oh-she's-so-powerful-and-a-ho-around-kalona neferet????
Book 5

i bought this book..if i'm not mistaken right after raya before i get my driver lisence..i was so esctactic that i bAsically hyperventilate at the sight of it..and oh..after buying it i'm completely broke..but this book was damn oh so fiiinne...love stark!! and his cocky grin and bab boy hot scale!!
Book 4

actually when i bought this book at mph in tesco sungai petani it was a mistake cause i'm practically finding the book 5 but this was a mistake...but i'm glad for the mistake i've done cz i'm deciding on buying the complete set now..no matter what..in this book stark died...but still its awesome...
Book 3

Book 2

Book 1

i've read all this three book by borrowing it from mia...but i swear i'll make sure i get my hands on all this three book as mine...
lastly...i would say my appreciative thanx because of their creative mind (im so lack off other better vocab, guess i should learn from damien a lot!!) to pc.cast and kristin cast as they have invented a world with nyx and house of night!!! i heart u guys more than steavie rays loves whie bread...
book heaven
recently i discovered my own personal book heaven...ooooo..i'm lovin it...you guys who loooves reading so much (or maybe other stuff lyke video or etc, but what i really cares about is book!) should check this website out...
u would never ever be dissapointed..actually its a free file sharing website, ok, laugh at me all you might if i am the last peron on eath who discovered this..i'm giddy enough that i couldnt care less of bickering comment on how late i am to this internet magnificent..haha..yeah i noe..i'm a bit old school..(i've downloaded tempted, book 6 in house of night series which i considered buying today at popular..will tell more bout tempted later)..whatever juz check it out..i am so loving this website..i actually go for free package and its so damn cool and i dont have to wait so long..i cant imagine how good it will be if i subscribe to its premium package...heaven i tell you..and its basically free!!!! thats it for my announcement..haha..forgive me for many articulation and grammar mistake and boring style of writing..i'm still trying to improve so bear with me...
actually i dont have to worry much cz no one knows bout this blog so no one will read this unless u are a randomn stranger who got lost..haha
actually i dont have to worry much cz no one knows bout this blog so no one will read this unless u are a randomn stranger who got lost..haha
beauty secrets
basically this is what i did myself...hehe..guess what, my skin's now clearer than before and i am a lot skinnier than before..well i have my own secret that i would really love to share..this secret was not mine cz the idea was not originally from me..i picked it up from my days in mtqd..it really works...
for skinnier figure..the best diet...
for clearer complexion..the best make up...
for clearer complexion..the best make up...
slamat mengamalkan my beauty secrets....
work..work..a housewife
okay, its for tomorrow..well actually i and my mother and my sister (or is it my mother and sister and i..whichever suitsla) have started on preparing delicacies for tomorrow..the planning..
1. karipap,
2. rendang daging (since ayam hpa is currently not available, so what i can eat only daging and fish),
3. chocolate cake,
4. agar2,
5. lontong,
6. kuah kacang..
and lastly, after further provocation our menu..
1. karipap -off- (malas nk masak, xlarat nk uli tepung)
2. rendang daging -on-
3. chocolate cake -undecided- mama kata xpyah, but fatin still insist on baking, i'm a neutral zone
4. agar2 -definitely off- since x ada gelatin from halagel, yg ada ntah buatan mane tah
5. lontong -definitely on- i've been craving for it since raya aidilfitri..huhu..
6. kuah kacang -du'uh, obviously on- xlengkap lontong or raya without kuah kacang
but right now, break..start balik on preparing the ingredient at 4 pm..nk masak skali untuk buke puasa..masak for tomorrow senanye esok pagi..waking up at 4:30 am..hope i wont overslept...and, owh..my job ptg nie, goreng kacang and blender kacang, rebus cili kering and blender...
kautsar had been pestering on me lyke crazy..he wants to have his turn at using this pc..gotta log off..need some beauty sleep..
1. karipap,
2. rendang daging (since ayam hpa is currently not available, so what i can eat only daging and fish),
3. chocolate cake,
4. agar2,
5. lontong,
6. kuah kacang..
and lastly, after further provocation our menu..
1. karipap -off- (malas nk masak, xlarat nk uli tepung)
2. rendang daging -on-
3. chocolate cake -undecided- mama kata xpyah, but fatin still insist on baking, i'm a neutral zone
4. agar2 -definitely off- since x ada gelatin from halagel, yg ada ntah buatan mane tah
5. lontong -definitely on- i've been craving for it since raya aidilfitri..huhu..
6. kuah kacang -du'uh, obviously on- xlengkap lontong or raya without kuah kacang
but right now, break..start balik on preparing the ingredient at 4 pm..nk masak skali untuk buke puasa..masak for tomorrow senanye esok pagi..waking up at 4:30 am..hope i wont overslept...and, owh..my job ptg nie, goreng kacang and blender kacang, rebus cili kering and blender...
kautsar had been pestering on me lyke crazy..he wants to have his turn at using this pc..gotta log off..need some beauty sleep..
hey, its still me
lots and lots and lots of things came up and i've done a lot of thinking and a lot of messing with my head and a lot of emotional outburst and a lot of thinking..again..*sigh*
so, i've come up with this..so i can keep track about my newly improved life..i'm not who i am before but still the same..huh..paradoxical statement..whatever..just need a ranting, babbling space so the knot in my head could loosen up..
i'm going to do some thinking and lots of defragmenting my memory so i can relax and really start posting..thats it..
so, i've come up with this..so i can keep track about my newly improved life..i'm not who i am before but still the same..huh..paradoxical statement..whatever..just need a ranting, babbling space so the knot in my head could loosen up..
i'm going to do some thinking and lots of defragmenting my memory so i can relax and really start posting..thats it..
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