BUT!! one love that i shouldnt forgot of..unconditional love from my god, ALLAH..and what i should return, but still having problem on trying to really loves ALLAH as my creator, as the one that gives me everything that i had, and a reminder when i'm lost bak kate ustazah, masalah itu, cubitan kasih dari ALLAH supaya kita mengingatiNYA, itu tanda DIA sayang kita hambanye..i'm still improving myself..the first way was to love myself..than i can love ALLAH and everyone else..quoted from a book i've read recently from my favourite author -Pahrol Mohd Juoi (Tentang Cinta) "jika anda selalu jatuh cinta, itu bermakna anda belum berjaya mencintai diri sendiri" that's how i was before, cant stop falling for guys every time..yeah sounds lyke a bitch..i know..just a little small talk, a smile, a kind gesture, some caring stuff and i was stuck..really i do..so i have to stop now, focusing on only one..until i set out to build a bainnati jannati with one guy who loves me because of me and because of ALLAH, so that i can be with him till the end..sound lyke a fairy tale..but i'm sure going to make it happen..loves not based from HIM would be easy to forget and bruised with little argument and i surely doesnt want that..(wouldnt you too? i'm talking to u who talked on phone with me last nite..yes you!)
thats it for now.. i was full of love that i felt a little giddy..hehe..i love myself, and everyone who loves me and ALLAH and HIS prophet MUHAMMAD..
p/s: sorry..really wanted to talk to you but have to refrain myself..till next tyme!! ntah bile la kn, it might be another long tyme..no worries it only make it sweeter...