random photos #1
i dunno where i put the sweet book i bought to write all this thing...i like looking into a mirror, and putting it there, it help me in remembering every details that means so much to me...yes, u know what details, i've told u before..heeeheee...well, at least u can see a glimpse of my not-so-neat bedroom...
graduationn day
now i am officially graduated from KUIN as one of its foundation in science students...apart from me 7 others from my class were graduating, leaving 4 people, mommy (zulaikha), zati and fzah(both were in melaka), and also our one and only male classmate, muhsin (working during that day)..it was fun and happening, we get to wear this awfully uncomfortable big robe (thank god we have an attractive orangey-red lining instead of green;for api or purple; for asp) it was fun and happenning at the same time..yeah, i had to admit i am a tad bit dissappointed since i've been to 2 graduation ceremony before which a lil bit grander than this one, but still we could really see the effort that all the crew put in making it a huge success..thanx to everyone who make this graduation ceremony together on time..
to start the story of the day, all three of us, ir rozan, dr syuha and me woke up late that morning, and we misses the first bus, so we have to wait for the second bus..what makes it hilarious, ayh arrived to the campus earlier than us..but its okayy, we made it in time...the ceremony starts late anyway, we still have time to adjust our robe, our scarf and all plus, taking a group picture!
as all graduation ceremony, the events starts off, it was okay, we have fun with the gimmick that were specially prepared, but honestly, it was a bit lengthy..seriously, didnt they know, too long people get bored..but its a good effort though! go juniors, and graduation day committee..the scroll giving was done flawlessly, i get to circle the stage and graduates area for 5 times..ehem2.. sorry if i sound like so proud of myself, cz in truth I AM!! haha..there was this one guy, from the family sitting area said when i walked in front of them, "eyh, dia nie lagi!" haha..now i know, how it feels..i should have worked harder earlier so that i could experience this from the moment i am in MRSM..but nevermind, better late than never right?
and oh! did u know, there was this video, a compilation of my oldest photo, played aroud the time i was announced the best student..it was EMBARASSING! whatt? i'm not attractive then as i was today..*sigh* why cant i enjoyed having this day without even a moment of embarrassment..
after the scroll giving, there was a nasheed performance, and they were captivating! ecspecially the one in green..haha..a girl could always dream and drool over hot guys..haha! still, m.k.i.s.a. hv the most enchanting smile of all..(yela, owg da smitten, semuala dia yg paling elok) here comes the most heart thumping part! give-speeching...haha! erk, that doesnt sound right, i am still nervous even by the thought of it..now, let me try that again, speech-giving! much better..

the event ended around 2 p.m..my ayah and i was invited to have lunch in the VIP room (again, proud!) with faiq and faiz, both best student of api, and asp..(rozan was so jealous..hehe) after that, ayah went to fetch fatin and i get to spent some quality time with my besties..and also taking MORE photos...
hehe, and oh! did i tell? i get to talk to mkisa after all and it was like ...*happy* cant express it in words..
mood : freaked out and exhausted
i was trying to go through the yk agreement that salawati gave me last monday, since i have to sign it and courier it back to salawati by tommorrow, and after reading about a third from the too-many-clause agreement, i cant make myself continue as i was left feeling freaked out and somehow exhausted. i know, the condition of maintaining this scholarship wasnt that bad, it can be considered normal, yet i am beginning to worry, what if i cant make it? what if i'll screw myself up? considering the course that i am going to take in MMU melaka Bio-informatics! a merge between comp tech and biology..out of the three science subject, bio, chem and physics, i am stuck with the one that wasnt really dear to me, believe it or not, i am going to take biology! even i, myself couldnt believe that i am doing this to myself..but somehow, i remember what aiman azlan once said during the program in mrsm lkawi recently, ur strength wasnt necessarily ur favourite..i am weak in biology, yet, i still over and over again destined to be with biology..maybe we are meant together? hmm... maybe so...lets just try to make my time in MMU not a miserable one..okay? not only that, i also had set my eyes on what i want in the future...after finishing my degree of course..hmm, STOP!. lets not discuss it yet, i dont want to jinx it with 3 years in melaka, lets get that done first, shall we? back to the agreement stuff, seriously, until now, i still didnt know the amount of money that i am going to receive with this agreement, salawati said, they wont disclose the amount until after the agreement is signed, and now, i am really dying to know..haha, not only me, mama and fatin too...okayy, lets leave it at that, after i know, i'll write it here..haha!
actually, when talking about yk; interview experience, i remembered a post that i wrote ages ago, that i really mean to publish, but didnt have the mood to do so..guess, i just have to publish it here and now,
after giving up my past, and severe any ties that i have with it, and only now treating it as a distant memory, another life time, a bedtime story that i should only take lessons from it, i can start on focusing bout my here and now...i welcome my new life, along with everything that comes with it...one that include yayasan khazanah scholarship..
i know that it has been a long time since the day i went for my first stage intterview with yayasan khazanah still i decided to tell the story here and now...its better late than never right?
here goes....
after applying for watan scholarship online, i went on with my life in insaniah as per usual...to tell the truth i have never baking on getting through with that particular scholarship application until one day, i open my email inbox and find an email stating that i am selected for the first stage of the interviwe...only god knows how shocked and happy i was when i go through that email, i called my momma and told her all about it and as expected she was as excited as i was or maybe...a little bit more than me...hehe..everything was planned in a rush but later that week my momma nd I were on our way to KL via bus..
1st stage...
the first stage was held in UEM building and it turns out to be just an IQ test..haaaa...i was relieved to know that actually since i am pretty nervous if it's going to be an interview and i was a lil bit scared if my appearance would send a not so good signal since i wore 'tudung labuh'..huhu...momma was there with me, only she had to wait around the lobby when i went and take my IQ test...seriously the test was for sure really chalengging and a bit absurd if i may say and the time limit was ridiculous..there were 5 section of IQ test with varying time limit, and i've got 2 section unfinisged...*sigh* after the test there were a Q & A session regarding the scholarship, there were a few things that were said about he scholarship, one of the most prestigious scholarship, and also expensive as they try to keep up a 20% higher than the most expensive scholarship in Malaysia..but the expensive part wasnt exactly what makes me hooked to this scholarship, is the part where the scholarship manager said that, once you were a YK scholar, your free time would not be yours but those time will be ours, during your semester break, you will be sent to various leadership programme that we believe is appropriate for your future preparation...basically what i understand was, once u were a YK scholars, u will be VERY BUSY!!!! which was fine by me..really fine..well i guess, during that time, i have already thought of being very busy as a distraction..so i really hope that i nailed the IQ test despite i have 2 section unfinished..well, a girl can always hope right? we went back to a.s by train that nite, and my momma was liking it more than she should since we get the upper bunk, still she thought travelling by train was really comfy.
2nd stage...
it turns out i was called for the second stage...before going to the second stage, i was asked to write a personal statement and an essay on how would u contribute to the ______________________________, i know right? how can i, a girl very dumb on political and latest issue at dat would be able to write a whole essay on that topic? haha, but the essay turns out okay, i keep on babbling about i have to chage myselfirst, and it will affect others around me and then somehow, i will be able to change the whole society..haha..lame~ i know...well, i've told u before that my momma was really liking train as the mean of travvelling, o u should have guess how we got to KL this time...precisely! by train!!! yeay...our train was scheduled at 7:45 p.m., so i spent the whole afternoon to write the essay (haha..i'm the queen of last-minute-tasker), preparing the dress that i am going to wear-it was a jubah that i bought as the PERINTIS uniform, hardly a nice outfit but, its the one and only jubah that i have which was exactly my size, so i have to admit that it lok good on me, my otherjubah was either a hand-me-up (its supposed to be hand-me-down, but its hardly appropriate since it was my little sister's jubah) or my jubah which i bought a size or 2 bigger so that it fits both me and my sister...its not like that i have any aversion of wearing clothes bigger than my original size, in fact i love it since it hide my unattractive figure...haha..okay, back to the story, i have crisply ironed the jubah and hung i carefully, to only left it behind later on..haha..yes, i forgot to bring the dress which was why i have to wear the same baju kurung that i wore to class on wednesday to this 2nd stage of YK interview..pathetic! i know...isyh3..since, my interview will take up almost the whole day, from 8 am to 5 pm, i asked my momma to go to my aunt house in klang..and i went to PNB darby park where my 2nd stage will be held..for 2nd stage, there were 2 session, the first one before lunch was interview session with panel which i guess i really made a fool out of myself...why? my intention was to give an answer that could impress the interviewer, but my mouth betray me and i give a very honest answer instead...my mouth betray me at every question....*sigh* then, we had a sumptous meal at a restaraunt on the top level of that building..it was fun..haha! after zzohor prayer, in my case + asar prayer, we went for the second session..group interview where we were divided into 4 group and i was in the PINK group...we were given 30 minute, a laptop with internet connection, to prepare a 4-slide-ppt-presentation on a business proposition to a MATRADE delegation on the field to be recommended to be introduced in 3rd class country..our group were to do on MSC..it was fun and a bit stressfull since i have basically zero input about this multimedia thingy..and oh, we only have 5 minute to present...haha..owkeyh, this exercise is about seeking how resilient u are to stand your ground, and i guess, i was a lil bit too far on trying to look resiliet since i did have some quarrel with the interviewer...*sigh* that was the second time i made a fool out of myself and i get a little advice that despite being resilient on standing up to what u believe, u have to know when to stop and listen to the opinion on others and consider it..so as to not be blinded by only your opinion..then, after the presentation and firing session, haha..we were supposed to answer to a letter stating that we are not chosen by the matrade delegation..so u have to either accept their judgement on u and ask for another chance and why should u be given that chance or you say that their judgement on you was wrong and state why...as per usual, i babble all the way through...the session doesnt stop there, last task, again individual task, one to test thinking-out-of-the-box mindset, each one of us need to propose on one industry for matrade to commercialized...seriously, this was the hardest since every industry that come up to my mind were malay words and i didnt know the english word for it...haha..i spent first 4 minute idling and glance around me, it was a bad move, i saw the person beside me was introducing gold-dinar monetary system..how cool is that? at last a word came by..thank you Allah!! AUTOMOTIVE..yes, i know..again LAME~~~ but i had to make the best out of the thing that i have...so i start blabbing on why should we improve automotive industry, what kind of business it may venture into in the near future..some idea was ridicolous that i have to stop writing and laugh it off..haha..talk about freaky...that was it, and later that night we board on our train for a journey back to a.s...
i was hoping and praying still i never thought that i will be called for the third stage taking into account my foolishness in the 2nd stage...yet one day i received a phone call....haha, yes..it was what u were thinking...
i made it to the
3rd stage!!!!!!!!!!!!...
it was held in petronas twin tower, level fifty something..ha! how cool was that? hehe...it was basically an interview with senior board member of YK, it was short and simple...he begin the interview session by asking me to answer 3 question and thats it...haha, like i was trying to keep my foolishness at a consistent level i was being honest and also i asked the interviewer a question which earn me this reply " when we were giving u this scholarship, it was like we were investing in u, but if we knew that our investment will not give us any adantage in return, we wont be investing in u, so consider your chosen course again" uh-oh, *sad* that's it..i've ruin my chance....
after waiting for a week or so, momma called me and say that she received an email sating that i've failed, i didnt get the scholarship...i was devastated..i have already thinking of leaving KUIN..i cried my hearts out and somehow, i gathered enough courage to go and see the email myself...i went to my hostel's cc and log in to my hotmail account..and then....OMG!!!!!
hehe....u already know, didnt u? the email that my momma refers to earlier, was really bearing a statement which i failed the application..ut it was YAYASAN SIME DARBY scholarship...i was relieved, in fact, i feel like shouting...hahaha...
okay, lets cut the story short, i received the YK watan scholarship...haha..now my worries is to get a placement in the listed U..i was hoping USM..please pray for me....
~MOMMA adventure~
during the first stage, momma have to wait for me at the UEM's lobby for 3 hours, and she was really hungry, pity her..but she was very excited during the train ride home..hehe..if u look at her, u'll notice and knew immediately from where i et my perkiness and childish-ness..haha..
moving on to the second stage, since it was held in PNB darby park which is not located near any lrt station, and i will be occuppied from early morning till late afternoon, so i have to part ways with her from KL sentral, as i want her to spend the time waiting for me with her sister which is also my aunt, in Klang while i am headed to my interview venue..during the way to Klang, she was suppossed to stop at kg raja uda stops, yet she was asleep and missess the stop, and she had to take another train back...she was running around, missing train after that, which i realized when i was being with her catching train to Alor Star late that day, she was being totally freaked out everytime she hears the horns of the train, and it was funny seeing her rush about and running here and there..my momma was and is totally cute~
the third stage, as i told u before, was held in twin tower, the lift system wasnt the usual lift system..it was double decker of some sort, in which if we are going to an odd-numbered floor, but if we accidentally entered a lift, either upper or lower deck, which served an even-numbered floor, we have to get out, take another lift moving downward, hoping it served odd-numbered lift, if not, we have to go all the way down back to the lobby, and take the same lift..unless we know the trick, which happen to be a bi complicated i dunno how to form it in words..u will be wondering how to know whether he lift was serving odd numbered or even numbered floor, lets use an example..there are a grooup of people, A wanted to go to the 33rd floor while B and C wanted to go to 32nd floor, so, if all three of them entered the lift at the same time, but A pushes the floor button first, then the lift will be serving odd-numbered floor, and would not open at the 32nd floor..poor B and C..the same scenario happen to my momma, but add a little bit comic experience..haha! no one would ever imagine that someone as adult as my mother could lost their way in the KLCC twin tower..again, i find it funny, she was just trying to get one floor below, so she decided to use the stairs instead of the lift, little does she know, the entrance to the staircase could only be open from inside, when she was in the outside (staircase area) she cannot open it, and she kinda freaked out..well, a normal reaction for someone in such pressing circumstances, so she went on going up the stairs till the 40th floor, where she stumbled upon an intercom! a life-saver i must say...she asked for help, and the people from the intercom told her to climb anore set of stairs to the 50th floor so that they can open the door for her..all this while, my mother didnot call me, for she was afraid that it would distract me,,i totally love my mother..but after seeing her and listen to her telling her adventure, i cant help but laugh..u would too if u see her and listen to the story from her..her comic expression, her tone, everytinx was sooo adorable...haha..
this is a tribute to momma since all three trips to KL also brings adventure to her..haha..so many memorries, sometimes i pitied her, yet she was there for me..always....thanx momma....
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3rd stage: visitor card |
wan aisyah (black scarf) and puteri marjan (pink scarf) both awarded with yK scholarship
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inside of yK office where the 3rd stage was held (pantry, meeting room, meeting room) its comfy!
where we had luch and dinner..would u believe that plate of kuih was rm8..i was having a heart attack when i know..haha..thankfully, it was delicious..
mama and i on our way back to A.S
~ladies coach~ woooo...haha
photo from the first stage..IQ assesment..btw, the one with blue scarf in front of me was puteri marjan..
momma luv.luv!
doing some diary writing in the train, this is from the first stage, as we heading back to a.s.
i love me some mushroom swiss, how i missed it!!
p/s: please pray for me, so that i wont screw up, and also to be strong and not be such a cry baby far from home..:)
long time no write....ngee~
i know, i've been neglecting this blog ever since i finished studying in KUIN and currently doing nothing at home...weird as it may seem, i really didnt have the time, or to be exact, the mood to continue writing on this blog...or maybe, just maybe the lack of inspiration which led to nothing to write..like now..
howw about i start to babble...here goes...
actually tommorrow, i am going to KUIN, since there will be a rehearsal for my graduation day, so i have to go..to top it all, i am the one who is going to give a speech on stage on behalf of every single student graduating on that day..could u believe dat? me! of all people, i was chosen..sometimes i doubt myself, could i really give a speech beautifully, despite my nerves? to be honest i have been a complete mess of nerve-wreck since sunday, there is a lot of stuff going on, stuff to look forward to like meeting my friends, chipsmore, shinchan and m.k.i.s.a, still there is stuff i've been dreading like giving speech and meeting m.k.i.s.a...and somehow, the nerves is settling, a bit at least...wanna know why? i've always thought this is funny...i got a call from Linguaphone today, asking about the unsettled business great! just great! now, i have to add another thing to my already-full-to-do-list for tommorrow..*sigh*, and en rizal was not even answering his phone! now what?
apart from that, i've got another thing to worry about, my application to USM, this morning i've got a text from dr z telling me that he already met pn. m, and pn m will review my appliccation. now i just have to pray that i will earn a place in USM. talking about USM, i have another concern..YK scholarship, i havent heard any news from salawati, or shahrul..did they like having second thought on giving me that scholarship? oh please, oh please, dont let that be the case..i really need that scholarship...*sigh*
now i better stop, and go to sleep..wish me a good nyte sleep...:)
i know, i've been neglecting this blog ever since i finished studying in KUIN and currently doing nothing at home...weird as it may seem, i really didnt have the time, or to be exact, the mood to continue writing on this blog...or maybe, just maybe the lack of inspiration which led to nothing to write..like now..
howw about i start to babble...here goes...
actually tommorrow, i am going to KUIN, since there will be a rehearsal for my graduation day, so i have to go..to top it all, i am the one who is going to give a speech on stage on behalf of every single student graduating on that day..could u believe dat? me! of all people, i was chosen..sometimes i doubt myself, could i really give a speech beautifully, despite my nerves? to be honest i have been a complete mess of nerve-wreck since sunday, there is a lot of stuff going on, stuff to look forward to like meeting my friends, chipsmore, shinchan and m.k.i.s.a, still there is stuff i've been dreading like giving speech and meeting m.k.i.s.a...and somehow, the nerves is settling, a bit at least...wanna know why? i've always thought this is funny...i got a call from Linguaphone today, asking about the unsettled business great! just great! now, i have to add another thing to my already-full-to-do-list for tommorrow..*sigh*, and en rizal was not even answering his phone! now what?
apart from that, i've got another thing to worry about, my application to USM, this morning i've got a text from dr z telling me that he already met pn. m, and pn m will review my appliccation. now i just have to pray that i will earn a place in USM. talking about USM, i have another concern..YK scholarship, i havent heard any news from salawati, or shahrul..did they like having second thought on giving me that scholarship? oh please, oh please, dont let that be the case..i really need that scholarship...*sigh*
now i better stop, and go to sleep..wish me a good nyte sleep...:)
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