
what exactly do u want from me?

this post is for dat sumone who maybe are also confused..

actually, could u be more clear in a very literal sense, what exactly do u want from me? cz at one time, u state it dz way, then all of a sudden u changed and wanted it that way..seriously i'm confused..please do make up ur mind and tell me what do u want...stop playing around and hurting me in the process..haisyh!!!


i am okay now

weird, i always think of the worse when it wasnt clear and it affects my mood considerably..but then, when the worst-that-i-imagined become true and as clearer as it can be, i am not so down anymore..somehow, i feel relieved, truth been told, i do feel sad, but its for my own good right? so honestly, i ca accept it..ur ambigous manner before was what makes me suffer..

seriously people, i am okay now, no longer distracted, a little bit sad but more or less i am me..i am not alone..and always will not be alone cz i have u..yes u..the one who reads every sentence of my pathetic complaining, the one who always have the time to spare and reads what happens to this shallow-minded girl, the one who didnt get sick eventhough every post i made was making a fuss out of a small thing..thank you..

today, i can achieve more than i did yesterday, i know, what i did couldnt be perceived as efficient, but at least i did something..and i have time to write also..so, its okayy right?

from now on, i wanted to try to be strong..yes, i know, looking back from my experience, i am not exactly good in the being-strong department.but i'll try to be..i'm trying to improve myself..i really hope i can..o Allah, please give me the strength and guide me throughout my way..

:)(:   i'll forget..

dear awk,

hv a safe journey...hope u'll reach ur destination safe and sound...

"ya Allah, kau berkatilah perjalanan mereka yang aku sayang, dan Kau lindungilah mereka dari malapetaka yang membahayakan. hanya padamu ya Allah, aku berserah..please protect the one I love.."

before i go to bed

dunno whether i cn sleep..well, lets just try....before that;

i'll get over u, somehow, someday.

thats all..goodbye!


they just wont..

today was raining..quite heavily here in melaka..and somehow it matches my mood..gloomy as you may say it..i seriously dont know whats wrong with me..i get frustrated so easily nowadays..apart from that i feel guilty..

*sigh* i just hate u..u make me wait, wait, and still waiting...
and now i just keep on hate, hate and hating u..

stop messing up with my heart cz it cant stand it anymore...say the word and begone already..dont linger and make me suffer..

so peeps, dont expect anything to happen cause they just WONT

tired of waiting and hating..let me go now..please..


tenanglah wahai hati

pelik, tapi hari nie nak wat post dalam bahasa melayu..supaya sampai segala maksud yg terungkap dalam hati.

entah kenapa hati saya selalu bercelaru sejak kebelakangan ini. ingin menangis meluah perasaan, tapi air mata seperti malu seperti malu untuk membasahi pipi, menghilangkan simpulan di hati lalu, segala yang terkusut masih terpendam dan bertambah serabut.

untuk meluah kepada teman yang sentiasa mengambil berat tentang diri ini, namun setiap kali cuba hati sepertinya malu utk meluah rasa lalu masih terpendam di dalam dada. xtahu bagaimana menyusun kata mengungkap rasa..seperti ingin berteriak sahaja. jujur otak pnat memikir ttg semua yang berlaku.

ayat xteratur. kata menyalahi makna. maksud sebenar xtercapai. kronologi bercelaru. aku buntu.

tenanglah wahai hati. menangislah wahai diri, berhentilah berfikir wahai minda.

Ya Alla, please help me get me through the nite..