check out the new movie that i've watched recently..it has become my new favourite movie..the best movie ever..i would recommend this movie to anyone who would be listening or in this case reading escpecially if you just love music or ska in this matter..and if anyone who wanted to know the apple of my eye, watch diz movie and check the hero in this movie - will burton or gaelan connell in real life..he wasnt the smart looking kind of guy lyke ben wheatly or scott..he was nerdy kind of guy, adorable, sweet, cute, nampak manje and i just looove his "kerinting" hair..scene that i really lyke to watch all over again just to see his cute face was when charlotte broke into his room, show him the phil song then tickle him and his mother enter the room..my fav moment was when he told his mom "someone called me dewey today" CUTE!!! enough about will..the songs were awesome..check it out..

someone to fall back on sung by aly michalka
(its for u..(read;yg penting))
I'll never be
A knight in armor
With a sword in hand,
Or a kamikaze fighter;
Dont count on me
To storm the barricades
And take a stand,
Or hold my ground;
Youll never see
Any scars or wounds -
I dont walk on coals,
I wont walk on water:
I am no prince,
I am no saint,
I am not anyones wildest dream,
But I will stand behind
And be someone to fall back on.
Some comedy -
Youre bruised and beaten down
And Im the one
Whos looking for a favor.
Still, honestly,
You dont believe me
But the things I have
Are the things you need.
You look at me
Like I dont make sense,
Like a waste of time,
Like it serves no purpose -
I am no prince,
I am no saint,
And if thats what you believe you need,
Youre wrong - you dont need much,
You need someone to fall back on...
And Ill be that:
Ill take your side.
If Im the only one,
Im used to that.
Ive been alone,
Id rather be
The half of us,
The least of you,
The best of me.
And I will be
i'll be Your prince,
Ill be your saint,
I will go crashing through fences
In your name. I will, I swear -
Ill be someone to fall back on!
Ill be the one who waits,
And for as long as youll let me,
I will be the one you need.
Ill be someone to fall back on
ill be someone to fall back on
one to fall back on...

everything i own sung by vanessa hudgens
You sheltered me from harm.
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you
I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you once again.
You taught me how to love,
What its of, what its of.
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way,
And I knew from watching you.
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that cant let go.
And I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you once again.
Just to have you once again.
Is there someone you know,
You're loving them so,
But taking them all for granted.
You may lose them one day,
Someone takes them away,
And they dont hear the words you long to say
I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you once again

in pic (name in movie): ben, sa5m, will, basher(with sunglass), charlotte, omar, bug
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