right now i am in myFC waiting for my order to come...i must tell, today i've had the baddest day in my historical life ( abit too much wasnt it?) Seriously..., i dont know how this day will end.. i do hope there are no more bad suprises awaiting..lets start from the morning..I woke up late today..wayyy past Subuh prayer and also, i didnt recite MATHURAT today (maybe thats the reason of my bad luck to day)
~and oh..my order is here..i'll continue later~
i'm already at home...safe and sound..so lets continue...later that morning, syuha rozan and me..(the usual trio) were going for a picnic at waterfall!! ok theres no bad thing about dat, or so it seems..and here are some picture taken:

and then, unexpected happen...SPLASH!.. great..my phone (which was actually not mine..its syuha's.-long story) and now its screen is doing that blurring thingy..i am so dead! and the story goes...we came back to farabi after dropping rozan off at the bus station and we ( me and syuha) had some relaxing time in cc..hehe..as always..then, i went back to my room..after some serious showering and praying, i decided to get ready to go back to langkawi..thats when i realize i've lost the 'duit kut' huhu..and i searched and searched and searched until i come to notice! i'm already late..i jz have about enough time to rush to kuala kedah and ctch the 5.30 p.m ferry..so, i rush and trush and rush some more..i found some uneaten cake which then i brought to syuha's room..well i have some serious confessing to do..i hv to bring something to soften her..anyway after some explaining and confessing -with a rushed condition..i finally apologize and tell her i have to leave now...syuha told me to drive carefully and do not speed..how can i not speed whn i am in a rush? its already 5 p.m...then i hurriedly went to my car when suddenly felt some itching in my ears...just great! now i have ant vandalizing my auditory tract..afraid of serious affected concentration during my drive..i went back to syuha's room and asked her to help me put some water into my ear..after about 5 minute, i'm sure that the ant wasnt there anymore..i hurriedly wear my scarf and barely walk down the stairs.. i basically jumped and run to the car, and all the while, people were staring..why should i care.. i am already so late...its already 5:10 p.m..and i drove as fast as i could and i arrived in pngklan polis marin kul.kdah at 5:25 p.m..i'm amazing right? absolute F1 racer..haha..next step, i hv to be in jetty in only 5 minutes..uh oh, i hv no other choice but the shortcut..the dangerous short cut..even the oficer in charge were worried to let me go through with the shortcut as it involved climbing over a gate..going through some seriously full-of-holes-bridge and really not suitable for sumone wearing jubah and tudung labuh..and the weird expression that the officer were wearing while i handed the car keys to him were also bothering me...but..i'll saved it for later..at the time being i have some spidey work to do...after jumping and dodging hole at the dreadful bridge with some serious heavy suitcase in my hand, i met 2 pak cik who absolutely wear that weird expression and amazed look on their faces..haha..some girls with flowy jubah and tudung labuh was doing some serious acrobatic move..that were really some sight! hehe..at last, i arrived at jetty at exactly 5:28..again i was ruching when i caught a glimpse of my reflection at the nearby car..and guess what? i wore my tudung inside out! well that's explained the weided expression..haha..i kept chanting to myelf..this is trend, this is trend as i didnt have time to change it, i have to confirm my ticket first..haha..i have to suffer more time of humiliation..whatever..i dont really care..then, i saw it! the ferry was scheduled at 5:45 p.m..arghh...i have been rushing for nothing! but i calmed myseld and tell myself, its okay..this mean, i have ample time to solat asar..and i really thought that was the end of my bad luck..after praying..i left surau at about 5:40 and since i hv another 5 minutes i bought canned drink and i used he change to call my mother telling her i'm in 5:45 ferry (my phone is dead, so i hv to call her by payphone) and the ferry left me..its still early and the ferry have left! i am so frustrated..seriously...so i have to take the 7 p.m ferry..GREAT! just GREAT! now i have a lot of time..really i was rushing for NOTHING..out of frustration, i went out to find some food, which i ended up in myFC..this also i considered as bad luck bcoa i've used my last rm20 which i allocate for second hand novel...*sigh* thats the story of my baddest day!!
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