

for the best...or for the worst?
lets wait until the end of this post to actually decide....

first, sorry for not writing anything for such a long time..its not that i'm occupied with anything..its just, i'm trying to be sure of my life..anyway, I owe this apologies to my future self since its the main purpose of this blog..anyway back to the issue of the tittle..

there's actually two main changes on myself that i do recognized lately..

first, i am no longer that girl who thought of keeping to herself once she is married..i no longer thinks its way better being a housewife rather than a career woman..I wanted to challenge myself now, that with the course i'm currently pursuing, a future with lots new adventure and chances of contributing to both religion and nation is accessible to me, if only i had the gut and interest to take up on it..I now realized that there is a lot more thing i wanted to achieve with life, bringing me to the fact that i am no longer eager of getting married early..what brings upon this changed mindset? basically its the environment here and certain ventures on the internet that i did late night also contribute to these changes..

second, as weird as it may seem, i am changing, from a girl who cry and call my sister because i did something bad that requires punishment on my head and shoulder, or any misbehaviour which will incur only disappointment on my parents behalf to a girl who is crying, because i wouldnt have enough money to buy her parents present for their birthday..whats funny is, my mother did call me and makes me feel better and that i dont have to buy them presents just be on my best behavior and everything will be fine...

that's all there is to it..i dont know if i'm changing for the better or the worst, cz i dont know what impact of this changes will bring impact on my future..lets just wait and see..>.<

till later, xoxo.