
work..work..a housewife

okay, its for tomorrow..well actually i and my mother and my sister (or is it my mother and sister and i..whichever suitsla) have started on preparing delicacies for tomorrow..the planning..
1. karipap,
2. rendang daging (since ayam hpa is currently not available, so what i can eat only daging and fish),
3. chocolate cake,
4. agar2,
5. lontong,
6. kuah kacang..
and lastly, after further provocation our menu..
1. karipap -off- (malas nk masak, xlarat nk uli tepung)
2. rendang daging -on-
3. chocolate cake -undecided- mama kata xpyah, but fatin still insist on baking, i'm a neutral zone
4. agar2 -definitely off- since x ada gelatin from halagel, yg ada ntah buatan mane tah
5. lontong -definitely on- i've been craving for it since raya aidilfitri..huhu..
6. kuah kacang -du'uh, obviously on- xlengkap lontong or raya without kuah kacang

but right now, break..start balik on preparing the ingredient at 4 pm..nk masak skali untuk buke puasa..masak for tomorrow senanye esok pagi..waking up at 4:30 am..hope i wont overslept...and, owh..my job ptg nie, goreng kacang and blender kacang, rebus cili kering and blender...

kautsar had been pestering on me lyke crazy..he wants to have his turn at using this pc..gotta log off..need some beauty sleep..

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